8 Immunity-Boosting Foods for kids

With the recent events of a wide-spread virus, termed as a pandemic by WHO, triggered the talk about building an immunity in our body. What we eat and consume affects our immunity, its important to include immunity-boosting foods in our diet. To deal with the new viruses or infections or with the seasonal cold and flu, building an immunity is vital for babies and toddlers’ too.   Babies and toddlers with their developing immunity system are especially prone to catching such infections.


Yogurt is a probiotic (good bacteria) and is present in your baby’s gut. It helps the way food is consumed in the body and also helps fight sickness as an anti-infection agent. Kids with more consumption of yogurt are less likely to have a cold, flu, ear infection, and strep throat.

Yogurt has calcium and packed with many other nutrients, yogurt in which liquid is separated on the top is a good sign of having live cultures. Home-made yogurt is the healthiest for your child, but if you are looking for brands, choose the one that contains live cultures.

2. Cheese:

Cheese helps in strengthening the immunity as it contains zinc. Zinc contributes to producing antibodies in the body which helps in fighting the infection

3. Honey

Honey is an energy booster, helps in treating cough and assists in boosting immunity.  It has phytonutrients that give it antioxidant and antibacterial properties, and it helps in dealing with issues related to the digestive system.  It is also a natural prebiotic, which helps in nourishing the good bacteria that live in the intestine

Importance of honey is also mentioned in Quran and hadith:

In Surah al-Nahl, or “The Bee,” Almighty Allah alludes to bees and honey in the following verse: “there issues from within their bodies a drink of varying colors, wherein is healing for men: verily in this is a sign for those of thought” (16:69). The Qur’an also mentions honey directly on another occasion (47:15), describing rivers of honey in heaven.

Narrated Ibn ‘Abbas: (The Prophet said), “Healing is in three things: A gulp of honey, cupping, and branding with fire (cauterizing).” But I forbid my followers to use (cauterization) branding with fire.”   ” Sahih al-Bukhari, 5683, Book 76, Hadith 6

4. Lean Meat

Meat is a rich source of protein, which provides all essential amino acids to the immune cells. Meat also contains zinc which helps white blood cells to fight the infections.  Good sources of lean meat include chicken, fish, cheese, milk, and eggs.

5. Fruits & Vegetables

All fresh fruits and vegetables offer vitamins and are natural antioxidants. For boosting your child’s immunity doctors suggest giving fruits rich in vitamins A and C.

Citrus fruits such as strawberries, oranges, lemon, sweet potatoes, guava, watermelon (natural antioxidant), and other berries should be offered to children.

Vegetables such as carrots and bell peppers; (high in beta carotene), onions, tomatoes, and leafy green vegetables; (which are the source of iron) should be included in your child’s diet.

6. Nuts and Dates

Adding dates and dry fruits in your child’s diet can help build up immunity. You can offer a bowl of mixed nutrients with some nuts (Almonds, walnuts, raisins, cashews), some fresh and dry dates, and seeds (flax seeds, pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds).

They all are packed with Vitamin E, which is an antioxidant and helps in keeping cells healthy. Dry fruits also contain important vitamins and minerals, and seeds are rich in zinc and omega -3 which increases natural killing cells in the body.

7. Seasoning and spices in Pakistan as immunity Booster

Many seasoning and spices are used to enhance the flavor of food in Pakistan, most of these might be available on your kitchen counter. Among these are garlic, ginger, kalonji, cinnamon, black pepper, and turmeric, they offer immunity against viral and bacterial infections. They are natural antioxidants and help build up the immunity of your child if use neutrally.

8. Breastfeeding

Breastfeeding is a natural way of protecting your kids against many diseases as it contains antibodies, which are transferred to babies when they feed and build their immunity against many infections. If your child is younger than 2 years and is on breastfeed, he/she will naturally develop immunity.

How can I include all these foods in my kid’s diet? read Food Chart for Pakistani Babies and Food chart for toddlers to include these foods in your child’s diet.

Tips to improve immunity

Food: Above mentioned nutrients, if added in optimal quantity in your child’s food, can provide a healthy meal as well as immunity against viral bacterial infections. Avoid Junk Food as it is never a healthy option.

Sleep: Research shows sleep deprivation in adults, as well as children, can make them more vulnerable to illness by decreasing their immunity to fight against viruses and microbes.

Children must follow a sleep schedule, here is the chart of sleeping hours for children (for newborns to preschoolers)

sleeping hours babies toddlers

Water: Staying hydrated is very important for children, it helps them stay active and alert and also help in food digestion. Keeping children’s body hydrated, helps naturally removing toxins and bacteria that can cause illness

Exercise: Regular activity can help your children stay active and increase natural killer cells. Exercise with your kids to engage them in healthy habit, you can encourage them to play tennis, or games related to the ball, running, cycling, hiking. Even general play which involves running and using up their energy can help.

Let your kids know about safe and clean habits

Toddlers younger than 2 years should be taken care of by parents for maintaining cleanliness and hygiene. Toddlers 3 years plus and older kids can be taught to maintain cleanliness. Teach your kids:

  • To wash hands regularly before and after eating, after coming back home
  • To wash and clean themselves after coming back from the playground
  • To not touch shoes and inappropriate places while playing
  • To wash hands for a few seconds using soap
  • To brush teeth regularly twice a day
  • To take a bath and change clothes daily
  • To sneeze and cough on tissue/handkerchief or on inside their elbow

And most importantly; “don’t stress the pediatrician in you”, because if kids have a proper diet, exercise, and sleep routine, they will naturally build immunity against many diseases. Don’t forget to go for your child vaccination regularly. Read more on Vaccination for children in Pakistan

Read Food Allergy in babies

About the author

Happy Moms

Happy Moms Team

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