Excercises to Avoid During Pregnancy. What are safe workouts in Pregnancy?

Everyone should be encouraged to opt for exercise during pregnancy in moderation. Exercise and moderate workouts are safe during pregnancy and offer many health benefits. In this article, let’s explore safe exercise and what you should avoid during pregnancy.

Please note that before you start your workout, consult your gyne. Also, if you haven’t been active or exercising before pregnancy, avoid doing strenuous exercises. Start with low-intensity exercises and increase slowly to 30-minute moderate-intensity exercise. The best is to observe the signs from your body and how your body is reacting to each workout. If you feel breathless or pain in any part of the body, stop exercising and consult your gyne.

Safe Exercises in pregnancy:

Walking: Start with the easiest. Light and brisk walking are easy and suggested during pregnancy.

Swimming: Swimming is one of the best exercises during pregnancy which helps keep your body active and your mind relaxed. You can also go for exercises in water (called Aquarobics).

Cycling: you can do cycling outdoors or on a stationary bicycle. Avoid cycling on bumpy or busy roads.

Stretching: You can also opt for yoga, stretching, and other floor exercises.

Kegel exercises: Kegel exercises are highly recommended to all pregnant women regardless of whether they exercise. They are muscle strengthening exercises and include the pelvic floor to help support the bladder, uterus, and bowels.

Jogging: jogging in moderation is best, but avoid jogging if you are not used to it

You can also look for pregnancy exercise classes to help you through the journey.

Safe exercises in Pregnancy

Exercises to avoid during pregnancy:

The number of activities and exercises, with increased risk should be avoided, they include:

Weightlifting: Workouts that include weightlifting or heavy lifting are not recommended for pregnant women

Competition sports: Martial arts, gymnastics, football, basketball, or other similar competitive sports should be avoided

Balancing exercises: Exercises that require you to balance on your foot, knee, or hand or exercises that require you to hold your breath for a longer period

Lying on your stomach: Any exercises that require you to lie on your stomach or put pressure on your stomach or lower abdomen are not suggested

Other includes; jumping, hopping, skiing, horse-riding, squats or long lunges, running, waist twisting, etc., where falling is likely should not be part of your routine. 

Exercises to avoid in pregnancy

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Benefits of exercise for pregnant women:

Regular exercise during pregnancy offers several benefits; it gives you energy and a sense of enjoyment, and it helps you keep yourself and your developing baby fit. 

It reduces back and pelvic pain but also develops the strength to endure pain during vaginal birth. Exercise aid in reducing pregnancy complications and risk of pre-eclampsia and hypertension, improve blood circulation and reduces stress, anxiety, and depression. It also improves sleep management and helps you manage your physical demand of motherhood.

Read Breastfeeding basics here

How Soon Can I Exercise After Delivery?

Most new moms are eager to start their exercise routine and get back in shape, but it is best to consult your gynecologist about how soon you can exercise.

Women with vaginal birth can start a low-intensity activity after 2 to 3 weeks of their delivery, and women with C-section delivery should wait for 3 to 4 weeks to start any activity. It is also significant to consider that with a newborn you have one more responsibility, your body needs to adapt back to your pre-pregnancy condition, it takes time. Do not be hesitant to start a workout without consulting your gynecologist. Give time to your body to heal properly.

This article is for informational purposes only, and is not meant to offer medical advice.

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Happy Moms

Happy Moms Team

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