Color And Number Recognition Activities For Toddlers

Looking for ways to engage your kids in fun learning. Here are 6 easy activities to involve your toddler in learning and recognizing colors and numbers:

  1. Recognizing colors with Lego blocks:

You need colored papers and colored legos

Ask your child to match the color blocks with the color papers this will help in improving fine Motor skills and pincer grip and also helped them recognize and sort colors

  1. Creating ice lollys with colored popsicles:

You need colored popsicle sticks and felt sheet, you can also use simple ice cream sticks and then paint them.

Cut felt sheets into ice Lolly shape and paste them on a white or colored paper using glue, glue ice Lolly shape in such a way that it will make a pocket, open at the bottom (as shown in picture), ask your child to put a colored popsicle into a matching ice Lolly pocket. It will be a fun game for them and they can recognize colors in a fun way, they will also improve their pincer grip and fine motor skills.

  1. Coloring the shapes:

This activity is very easy, a free printable is attached at the end of the article. Print out or you can make them with hand as well.

The sheet has different shapes, triangle, square, circle in different colors, along with an empty shape. Ask your child to recognize those colors, take the pencil color and color the empty shape under the colored one. This activity increases fine motor skills, use of pencil colors, coloring skills and also in remembering the colors.

  1. Making flower using sticky notes:

You need a print out of a flower, (free printable attached at the end of the article) if you do not want to print you can make a flower with numbers on its petals. you will also need small sticky notes

Write the numbers on sticky notes, tell your child to match a sticky note number with number on the petals of the flowers. This way they will make a flower and will be happy to do it by themselves, you can add some butterflies or more flowers to make it a more fun game. It helps in refining hand control, pincer grip, problem solving and recognizing numbers.

  1. Recognizing the numbers with stickers:

You need stencil, easily available on stationary and dollar shops and number stickers.

you can use shape stencil or even a simple handmade circles would also do Use your stencil and put it on a simple colored paper, write down the numbers on a stencil 1,2,3 up to 10 and then give the number stickers to your kids, ask your child to get a number 1 from the stickers and paste on the stencil with number one, similarly do it for all the numbers. Repeat the numbers with your child so that they memories it well.

It helps in improving memory, concentration, cognitive development and number recognition

  1. Counting numbers:

Last activity is again about the numbers for this you need print out link to this printable is attached at the end of the article, print the sheet or make it by hand you can always do it very easily write down the numbers in one column and on another column circle for each number. Give them a sticker sheet (this is always very exciting for the kids) as an alternative you can give them beads , Pom balls, toys or anything they can count with. Ask your child to count, 1 sticker goes with number 1, and so on, at the end ask them to count 1 to 10 and count stickers so that they will know how to count the numbers.

This activity also helps in fine motor skills, concentration, attention span. it also develop their ability to recognize and count the numbers

Share with us in comments how these activities turned out as a fun time.

They are easy, fun and a less mess! Happy parenting!

Download Free Printable on activities for toddlers 

Felt sheet and stickers from Dhanak by Saima

Also read Immunity boosting foods for kids

Watch our video on how to do these activities

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Happy Moms

Happy Moms Team

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