Men and Fertility

The health of the male partner is as important as females for pregnancy. Men’s infertility is not always treatable through doctor/sexologist and can be overcome via a balanced diet, exercise, and healthy life strategies.  

A healthy balanced diet and regular exercise can help men keep their sperm in good condition. A man must have and maintain an erection, have enough sperms that are in the right form, and move in the right direction to make fertilization happen and must also have enough semen to bring the sperm to the egg.

Infertility in males is due to the low production of sperm, an unusual sperm function, or blockage of the sperm. Infertility can be caused by infections, accidents, chronic health problems, choices in diets, and lifestyle.

Certain factors can be considered by dads-to-be to improve their chances of getting their wife pregnant.

Health and Diet:

The Diet of a male should be balanced and nutritious just like a female who is planning to conceive. You can increase your chances of conceiving by following a healthy, balanced diet. Healthy eating involves preparing well-balanced meals from a different and wide range of food groups. You can include the following to your diet:

  • Vegetables and fruits
  • Starchy and fiber-rich foods including whole wheat flour, whole grains, bran, rice
  • Pulses, lentils, beans, fish, meat, chicken, eggs all contribute protein to your food.
  • Low-fat dairy products including skimmed milk, yogurt, and cheese, make sure to take the products which are low in sugar content.

Managing a balanced healthy diet and weight not only ensures the intake of good nutrients but also will help to keep your sperm healthy.

Effect of caffeine on your reproductive health has no evidence yet, but make sure to avoid a high quantity of carbonated and caffeine drinks regularly, as they contain a higher amount of sugar.

Multivitamin and Minerals:

Vitamins and Minerals are important and help in conceiving a child. It is better to take these through your diet rather than supplements.

  • Zinc: Taking an adequate amount of zinc can increase the number of sperm and improve their motility. Zinc is naturally found in meat, fish, dairy products, bread, and wheat
  • Selenium: Selenium is another important mineral which helps in producing healthy sperm and improve semen quality. Nuts, fish, meat, and eggs are a good source of selenium.
  • Vitamin D: Vitamin D is important for men and women. In men, it helps improve sperm motility. Sunlight is one major source of sunlight, ensure taking enough sunlight in winter and autumn alongside fish, meat, egg yolks, and cereals as a food source.
  • Folic acid: The women need to take a daily dosage of folic acid if they plan to conceive but there is less evidence about the effect of folic acid on healthy sperm.
  • Antioxidants: Antioxidant helps protect the cell from damage, it is suggested to get enough antioxidants to protect sperm quality. Coenzyme Q10 is another antioxidant that can be taken through food or supplements. Consuming different varieties of fruits and vegetables along with meat, fish, peanuts, and sesame seeds will give ample antioxidants.


A healthy weight is linked to the health and quality of sperm. If you are overweight or obese it can affect your chances to conceive. Maintaining the optimal weight with a balanced diet and regular exercise helps improve the quality of your sperm. Calculate your BMI to know your optimal weight.

Sleep and Stress:

It is important to take adequate sleep to maintain a healthy lifestyle, as sleep deprivation can affect sperm quality. Also, it is very important to manage stress levels as it can reduce your testosterone levels, which causes men infertility. Taking a walk, doing exercise, sleeping well, and spending time with your loved ones can help you relax.

Maintaining your balanced diet, weight and regular exercise can help increase your chances to conceive. This is as important as for a female who plans to conceive. There is still more research and evidence needed for male fertility.

Read more on Getting Pregnant

This article is for informational purposes only, and is not meant to offer medical advice.

About the author

Happy Moms

Happy Moms Team

1 comment

  • Thankyou for posting this. Healthy diet is a part of healthy lifestyle and we all need to adopt it. Just changing our lifestyles to a healthier one can prevent us from developing a lot of diseases.

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