Setting up positive time out area for kids

A positive time-out area (also called a calm corner) is a safe, quiet, and comfortable space where children can go to calm down, process their emotions, and regain control of their behaviour. It is an effective tool for parents and caregivers to use when children are struggling with self-regulation or are in need of a break from a stressful situation. Your children can name the place as they like, and a positive time-out area is important as it provides children with a sense of control and empowerment in their own emotional and behavioural responses. It also helps teach children healthy coping mechanisms and self-regulation skills, which they can carry throughout their lives.

To set up a positive time-out area, choose a quiet, comfortable space that is easily accessible to your child. This space should be free of distractions, such as electronic devices or toys, and should be stocked with calming items like books, soft blankets, and stuffed animals. You can also incorporate sensory items, such as stress balls or fidget toys, to help your child regulate their emotions. Explain the purpose of the time-out area to your child and encourage them to use it whenever they feel overwhelmed or in need of a break. Be sure to encourage your child to use the time-out area and for their efforts in self-regulating their emotions. With consistency and positive reinforcement, your child will learn to use the time-out area as a tool for emotional regulation and self-care.

Download the checklist for setting up a positive time-out area with your kids:

Positive time-out area checklist

Good luck! and remember purpose is to help child regulate their emotions effectively.

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Happy Moms

Happy Moms Team

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